6 Changes You Can Make Today


When it comes to digestive health, the choice of foods you eat and the lifestyle you lead play a big part. Your digestive system is responsible for breaking down the foods you eat into nutrients your body requires. Should you neglect your digestive health, this can lead to problems and make it difficult for your body to absorb these essential nutrients.

If you aren’t sure where to begin, try incorporating the strategies below into your day-to-day life. Once you make changes, this can keep everything running smoothly and like clockwork.

1. Eat A High-Fibre Diet

It’s universally understood that fibre is beneficial for good digestion. Therefore, getting plenty of it into your diet should be your first step to aiding better digestion. Consuming a high-fibre diet that is rich in vegetables, whole grains, and fruits can boost your digestive health. A high-fibre diet helps keep food travelling through your digestive tract. This makes there’s less chance of getting constipated.

As well as foods, some supplements are a good source of fibre, such as SUSTAGEN Optimum. This powder is also rich in protein and contains essential vitamins your body needs. When you up your fibre intake, you should notice a positive difference in your digestive health.

2. Limit Foods High In Fat

In general, fatty foods normally slow down the digestive process. This means if you love junk food and have it on the regular, you may be more prone to constipation. Of course, no one wants to endure this frequently, so it’s wise to limit foods high in fat. Although, it is important to get some healthy fats into your diet.

Foods high in omega-3 fatty acids may lower your risk of developing health conditions like ulcerative colitis. Some foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids include chia seeds, flaxseeds, and salmon. Partnering high-fibre foods and fatty foods together can help in moving things along more smoothly.

3. Incorporate Probiotics Into Your Diet

Probiotics are a type of healthy bacteria and yeast that is naturally found in your digestive tract. They keep your body healthy by combating the effects of stress, antibiotics, and a poor diet. Probiotics can also strengthen the immune system, potentially break down lactose, and may even help in treating irritable bowel syndrome.

It’s recommended to incorporate more probiotics into your diet because of this. To start, you should try low-fat yoghurts or kefir on a daily basis. Prebiotics can also aid digestion too. These act as food for probiotics, helping to support healthy bacteria in your gut. Prebiotics can be found in all kinds of foods, such as bananas, onions, raw fruits, and oats.

4. Exercise Regularly

Daily physical activity is one of the best things you can do for improving digestion. Gravity and exercise enable food to travel through the digestive system. For example, going for a stroll after eating can assist the body in moving things along.

Staying active and on the go can also help you maintain a healthy weight. This is fantastic for your digestive health. We understand that staying fit is easier than it sounds. To get your health journey off to a good start, begin by going for walks and jogs. As you build your confidence, why not become a member of your gym? The more exercise you do, the more benefits you’ll reap, particularly for your digestive system.

5. Manage Stress

Stress is something none of us can escape. Whether you’re having problems at work, have money worries, or your relationship is breaking down, these issues can cause stress levels to spike. The bad news is too much stress can send your digestive system into overdrive. This means you may experience frequent cramping, diarrhoea, and nausea that are no fun to endure.

Thankfully, there are measures you can take today which can boost digestive health and get your stress levels down. These include taking up a hobby, practicing meditation, or simply calling up a loved one for a chat. Getting a handle of your stress will instantly calm you down and more importantly, keep your digestive system in check.

6. Skip Bad Habits

We Aussies have formed some bad habits over the years. We’re not talking about the Ed Sheeran song. Instead, we’re referring to factors like drinking too much alcohol, smoking or eating late at night. All three aren’t good for your overall health. In fact, they can be responsible for common digestive problems.

To get your digestive system in order, it’s wise to take a closer look at any habits you have. Sure, it can be difficult to stop smoking or say goodbye to alcohol. But, if you’re wanting to make positive changes, it’s time to face your fears.

We all encounter digestive symptoms occasionally, like heartburn, gas, or an upset stomach. However, if you’re getting these symptoms often, they can be a major hindrance in your life. Thankfully, making lifestyle changes and altering your diet can not only have a positive effect on your gut health, but aid better digestion too.